« Village de Charme »


Place du Marché, 61310 Exmes, ARGENTAN, France

Local level recommended in Exmes, France

Charming Village

Exmes is a commune in the Orne department in north-western France.

The village is built on the site of a Gallo-Roman city, once flourishing, which disintegrated in the 'Lower Roman Empire'.

This city was the capital of the tribe of Ésuviens, Celtic people who occupied a vast territory between the Dives in the east, the Vire in the west and the Écouves in the south.

Sight - Nr. 2 ranked on the 5 Best Sights in the district ARGENTAN


Place du Marché
61310 Exmes,
District: ARGENTAN, France


EXMES, Place du Marché, 61310 Exmes, District: ARGENTAN, France

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